best dentistry

Our Client Testimonial

Dr. Arun and his team are always very dependable and accommodative. I could only manage to arrange for a short-term…

5 years ago

Mouth ulcers and bad odour from mouth

Dry mouth seemingly a simple issue, can cause quite a few problems. Is bad breath a concern? Mouth ulcers are…

5 years ago

Parts of a Dental Implant

In this Video Dr. Arun from Pearls Dentistry explains the difference between a Bridge and Dental Implants. Also the parts…

6 years ago

Best Dental Clinic

What does it takes to build a dental clinic? How do we give the best? Watch Dr.Sandhya Arunkumar, Director of Pearls…

6 years ago

Best Dental Implants – is there one?

How can we choose the best Dental Implants? Dr. Arun, Director of Pearls Dentistry explains what goes into selecting the…

6 years ago